The lovely little plane we took...
Arriving in Dharamsala was like a dream. I walked through the Delhi airport in a daze, still not believing that I was in India. The whole Mind and Life (the people who were participating in the conference with His Holiness the Dali Lama, which is the whole reason why I'm in India) group boarded a small propeller plane, like ones you see in pictures of World War II aircrafts, and arrived in Dharamsala in about one hour. As I looked out the window, believe it or not, the view looked exactly like I had pictured it so many times. To the left were miles of mountains; small villages nestled in deep valleys or on top of their ridges. To the right was the single handedly most breathtaking sight I have ever seen. The Himalayas. The snow-covered peaks were visible through the airplane windows, and I spent most of the trip with my face pressed up against them. The shear massiveness of them is mind boggling. No picture can do them justice.
Dharamsala is stuck in what the 60's were like in America. Young hippies is long skirts and dreadlocks ride on their motorcycles through the mountain town. Small shops line every street corner. I have been a terrible blogger, due to illness which I will explain later, and that is my main reason for lack of posting. That is why I'm writing about Dharamsala when I've already left. Sorry. It's a small town nestled in the Himalayas with breathtaking views. I wouldn't mind living there myself. Since my return home is approaching in a mere 12 hours, I will save the best detail to be told in person, as they cannot simply be read on a computer.
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